NEXT GENERATION, as business entity, upholds in high regard the principles of management system of quality, health and safety, environmental protection, and security in all Company’s operations. Each business activity is conducted complying with all standards and code of conduct as well as preserving noble values of the Company. To achieve comprehensive, effective, and efficient implementation, NEXT GENERATION is committed to:
- Setting objectives, targets, and programs in QHSE, security, effectively measuring and monitoring the Company performance in the implementation;
- Safeguarding impartiality in all Company’s activities as well as committed to being legally responsible to the information and confidentiality of the customers;
- Consistently providing products and services that meet or exceeds customers’ requirements and expectations as our utmost priority and ensuring health and safety, as well as environmental preservation as paramount standard;
- Preventing nonconformities, work-related incidents and ill health, environmental pollutions through hazard identification, risks analysis, determining controls, mitigations, and provisioning resources required;
- Providing secure, safe, and supportive workplace for workers and other interested parties as well as being committed to eliminating hazards and risks related to quality, OHS, and environment in all the Company’s activities;
- Improving knowledge, competencies, skills, and awareness of workers through continual training and development programs in quality, OHS, security, and environmental preservation aspects;
- Maintaining internal and external communication with interested parties in spirit of openness, accountability, encouraging participation and consultation with workers and other interested parties in achieving the objectives of QHSE management system and workplace security;
- Implementing noble and good conduct; creating work environment free of corruption, bribery, gratification, and other illegal and unethical practices;
- Complying with all applicable laws and regulations in quality, health and safety, environmental preservation, and security, and business conducts;
- Implementing planned corrective actions and continual improvement in all QHSEs and workplace security aspects of the Company.
The Company policy is documented, maintained, regularly reviewed, and communicated to all workers and other interested parties.
Contact Us
District Barahat Al Jufairi,
Grand Hamad Street-119, Building No 58,
2nd Floor, Office No06/02
Doha Qatar
Grand Hamad Street-119, Building No 58,
2nd Floor, Office No06/02
Doha Qatar